Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Marketing of the brain

Recently, more and more often in the eye to throw people who suffer brain marketing. These are people with bloodshot eyes, leaning forward slightly, barely hearing terms like ROI, AIDA, reverse, creative. They fill a seminar Mann and Gandapas, buying tons of obscure man in the street literature and are aypady bald, even where they did not take.

When I started the business, about marketing no one knew anything. Almost everything was done on a whim, and the only book where the word ' marketing' was a textbook Kotler - the book is really worthwhile. However, Mann was already playing coach. But the real blossoming of marketers, as they like to call themselves took place in recent years. Previously, on Russian soil it was easy to do any business: do not throw it into the ground, sprouting all. And died too, but not because business is bad, and the conjuncture was unfriendly - it is easy to start, hard to keep.

Today everything has changed. The market has stabilized, well established rules. Now hold the lighter, but more difficult to start. Now, if the idea is to be creative. If you hold, then the theory. Let the long- outdated, but who in lapotnoy Russia knows about it!.

Being a marketer has become prestigious. After all, marketing - is not the manager. Managers of many, and marketers, merchandisers, promoters, creative directors, art directors low. Garbage, they all do the same thing that was done to them, the manager Bob, but in fact simply sawing the advertising budget, but marketers. In advertising agencies such experts called marketoluhami. How else to call a man, if he does not understand why buying this or that service. Just how it should be. Before he bought, and he will buy.

One of my clients kept a marketer umnen'kiye girl with shining eyes. But it forced her to make flyers and run for advertisers. He did not understand her high gusts. Do not imbued with sympathy for her serious illness - marketing brain in the terminal stage. The girl eventually quit.

Most successful marketers saws corporate loot. Someone with a benefit for the company, some for the benefit of his pocket. I cut the stories - the car with a cart up to the family contract, when his wife rulila advertising agency, and her husband poured her all the orders of a large enterprise, where the marketer. Needless to say, that this advertising agency had only one client.

But now people itching to do with the marketing of the brain. Just saw them get bored, and sometimes disgusting. They are ready to fight for the idea. So think about it, what is worse for the company - a thief, or an ideological fool? .

Overly ideological people always scare me. I remember that flew at me with his fists sektantka on the train, when I showed not seen it before a good knowledge of the Bible and put it maloznayuschey stubborn fool. Although like and did not put - she ran. Exactly as you can not question the principles that people profess to marketing of the brain. Impressionable and legkoubezhdaemye, they suddenly become stubborn and hysterical, is only slightly undermine their installation.

I can hardly understand directors who not only hire them, but also allocate money to. sectarian. marketing literature and countless seminars. They do not learn anything. Simple things are commonplace for some reason do not fit into their heads, giving memorized phrases from seminars and books. When they begin to discuss, the feeling that talking to arrogant parrot. An important, self- righteous, but still parrot.

Of course, I need a mountain of marketing in the life and development of any enterprise, but in most cases, the paradigm can be summarized as ' do your product is good, speak well of him and people will buy it and talk about it '. To do this, neither I nor anyone else not have to pass two dozen workshops. And I do not remember any professional marketer who has created a global company if this is not a marketing agency, although, of course, Leo Burnett and Ogilvy in any way deserve respect.

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